Why Are Republicans Censoring Election Integrity Efforts?

A GOP voter holds a placard reading "legal votes only" outside a ballot counting center in Philadelphia on November 8, 2020.

I recently attended a program hosted by the Montana Election Integrity Project and learned some rather disturbing facts.  This group has been shinning the light on Montana election irregularities for more than 20 years.  One of the group’s supporters tried to pass out fliers announcing this meeting to the Missoula Pachyderms Club and was refused. In addition, the Montana Election Integrity Project challenged the 2020 election in Missoula County and found discrepancies that exceeded 4500 votes. Then, later, the Missoula County Republican Party challenged those findings and conducted a recount wherein the county mysteriously found two extra boxes of material, so there was then only a 71 vote discrepancy.  Why would the Republican Party want to challenge the original count?  What is the Missoula County Republican political machine afraid will be found?

One might surmise that the Republican Party is comfortable with fraudulent elections.  It also suggests to me that the Missoula County Republicans are complicit in a voting system where the best cheater wins. I find it disturbing that the Missoula County Republican Party condones such an approach to voting. Why would anyone in the United States of America, regardless of party, not want honest elections? I find no answer that doesn’t scream corruption.

I also learned at the afore mentioned meeting that there is evidence that suggests that the 2020 general election had invalid votes in every county in America that used voting machines for voting and/or tabulation. Twenty-six states have been examined as well as hundreds of counties. Official government data demonstrates common irregularities in the voting pattern that are mathematical impossibilities (Scientific Proof). There are counties and states where more votes were cast than the total population of those jurisdictions, not just more than registered voters, but more than the total population. It doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to consider that what happened in 26 states didn’t happen in all 50 states.

I also learned, from a person who was directly involved, that several Republican state Attorney Generals were preparing a case that would challenge the results of the 2020 general election.  Because so many states were co-plaintiffs, this case would have gone directly to the United States Supreme Court. The day before the case was to be filed with SCOTUS, Republican Party Chair Ronna McDaniel called each of the AGs involved and threatened to cease any Republican Party funding for those states. The extortion worked, and the case has not been filed. Why does the Republican Party want to censor these states that are concerned about election integrity? What is the national Republican political machine afraid will be found? Again, why would any American patriot, regardless of political party, not want honest elections? I still find no answer that doesn’t scream corruption.

Another documentary recommended to me focused on Tina Peters, a county Clerk and Recorder in Mesa County, Colorado (S)election Code. This film documents how Ms. Peters discovered that the voting machines in her county were being hacked to change votes and how the state election officials were complicit because they knew that the voting machines could and were being easily hacked. 

With communist Democrats running elections across America supported by a complicit Republican Party, there will never be another honest election in the United States where machines are part of the election process. Machines that are not supposed to have modems in them have modems and are exposed to the internet. These machines are wide open to hacking and our government officials simply don’t care. Putin told us, “It isn’t who votes; it’s who counts the votes.”

I have no doubt that cheating has probably gone on as long as there has been voting in America. However, throughout our history only minor retail cheating was going on using paper ballots.  With machine voting, massive wholesale cheating is going on, and our government knows it and even condones it by the lack of action to correct the situation. So, instead of thousands of invalid votes, there are millions of invalid votes counted.

There is only one way to stop the wholesale cheating that is going on in American elections. We must go back to paper ballots, photo identification of each voter, and hand counting of ballots. But don’t hold your breath waiting on the government to fix it. It just ain’t going to happen until the cockroaches at the county and states levels are exposed (embarrassed) for their misdeeds.  

The truth I see in 2023 is that the American uniparty political machine is totally corrupt from top to bottom, bottom to top, left to right, and right to left. And the majority of the politicians are willing players in the cash cow criminal enterprise that makes up the United States federal, state, and local governments. It seems that too many top civil service bureaucrats are also willing 

Co-conspirators and the rest of the civil servants are just doing their jobs as directed by their crooked supervisors. With few exceptions, the only Congress people that are honest are the freshmen and after a few short months they will have the “facts of life” explained to them by the Washington Beltway Bandits, and they too will lose their appetite to try to fight the system. 

Know God, know truth.  No God, no truth.

4 thoughts on “Why Are Republicans Censoring Election Integrity Efforts?

  1. The Republican Party/brand/whatever you want to call it, is lost, even on the local level. People need to run these entrenched “leaders” and legislators out on a rail. Our local meetings are largely a big joke run by entrenched people who only want the status quo and railroad people they perceive as “not real republicans” aka people pointing out the obvious and trying to effect change.

    1. Missoula County Republican Party chair Vondene Kopetski told me that the Missoula Republican Party is a “private club” and I think more Missoula conservatives should take her at her word.

  2. Also relevant, Hamilton Republican House Rep. David Bedey submitted an amendment to the Montana Legislature House rules that passed with Democrat and RINO support to limit the power of the Select Committee on Election Integrity.

    The amendment stripped select committees of subpoena power, ended their ability to request legislative remedies, and required majority approval of the House before conducting any activity.


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