HELENA, MT (59601) – The MTFC stands united with House leadership and the entire legislative body in the decision to take disciplinary action against Rep Zephyr. Rep. Zephyr also helped incite and extend the rioting of far-left agitators on April 24 by failing to follow the directions to vacate the House floor, and showed a flagrant disregard for the safety and well-being of staff and fellow Representatives by encouraging the far-left rioters to continue.
The Montana Freedom Caucus was the first to call for and act on the censure of Rep. Zephyr. Our caucus then called for condemnation of the actions of the rioters who either engaged in or threatened political violence in the House Gallery. A small group of people will not be allowed to disrupt the critical business of Montana, and one Representative is not allowed to lead them in their actions.
It’s unfortunate that Rep. Zephyr had neither the maturity nor the humility to take responsibility for his actions and simply apologize, as other members of the legislature routinely do. It’s a shame that Rep. Zephyr chose instead to fan the flames of a premeditated riot. This act is nothing more than an ego trip by Rep. Zephyr to gain media attention.
We would like to thank the members of the Law Enforcement community as well as the Sergeants at Arms whose professional conduct, poise, and rapid response prevented a bad situation from getting worse. They are the best of Montana, and we applaud them.
We look forward to getting back to the critical work for which Montanans elected us.