Steve Rossiter


Steve Rossiter is a 21-year Missoula resident and a retired aviation professional from federal civil service.

The Target for Today: Missoula County, Montana

I titled this article like the 8th Air Force in the U.S. Army Air Corps in World War II would introduce the bomber crews to their mission for the day.  Most Montanans and Missoula County residents don’t understand that we are engaged in a war with an Evil Empire of globalists that have the destruction of […]

May 24, 2023 . By Steve Rossiter

The Red Challenge Flag Has Been Thrown

Stealing from college and professional football, a figurative red challenge flag has been thrown down to challenge American Christian churches, and, to me, that includes all American Christian churches from the southernmost point in South America, Cape Horn, to the northernmost point in North America, Cape Columbia. Western civilization was founded on the Judeo-Christian values […]

May 9, 2023 . By Steve Rossiter

A Stranger in a Strange Land

I was born in the first year of the Baby Boomer Generation. My contemporaries started popping out of the womb around May 1946, nine months after the end of World War II. Marxism, socialism, and communism in the American government were un-recognized and confined to the left-overs from the Roosevelt administration. However, we now know […]

May 1, 2023 . By Steve Rossiter

What is the Problem with the GOP?

The once Grand Old Party has a major self-inflicted wound. As an institution, it is failing its constituency miserably. A recent Monmouth University poll demonstrates that 61% of the GOP’s Republican voters do not believe the 2020 Presidential election was a valid, fraud-free election. Yet the Republican Party political machine keeps insisting that election was […]

March 31, 2023 . By Steve Rossiter

Has Your Government Murdered You?

Author’s note: This article is provided to get around the censors in government, Big Pharma, social media, and all others who think they should make all the important decisions for everyone they think are too dumb to think for themselves. There is disturbing information here and you will surely decide to accept it, blow it […]

January 25, 2023 . By Steve Rossiter

Why Are Republicans Censoring Election Integrity Efforts?

I recently attended a program hosted by the Montana Election Integrity Project and learned some rather disturbing facts.  This group has been shinning the light on Montana election irregularities for more than 20 years.  One of the group’s supporters tried to pass out fliers announcing this meeting to the Missoula Pachyderms Club and was refused. In addition, […]

January 12, 2023 . By Steve Rossiter

People’s Marxist Republic of Missoula

Citizens of the City and County of Missoula, it is time to publicly acknowledge that the City of Missoula is being run by the Marxists of the Marxist Democrat Party.  We have laughingly referred to Missoula as socialist in the past.  It is no longer a laughing matter, and we better start taking action to […]

April 25, 2022 . By Steve Rossiter

Rossiter: My Picks for Missoula County Public Schools Board of Trustees

Within a few weeks we will be getting ballots in the mail for a May vote that includes the opportunity to elect some new people to the Missoula County School Board. Recently I had the opportunity to interact with six of the candidates running in 2022.  Each is a parent, and all are running because […]

April 6, 2022 . By Steve Rossiter

Rossiter: Non-Marxist America, We Have A Problem

For those of us who have rejected Marxism, we have a major problem.  It isn’t a new problem, but it is a problem we have heretofore chosen to fight in the wrong way.  That problem is how to communicate with the rest of the world.  We can’t expect the lame stream media to communicate anything […]

April 4, 2022 . By Steve Rossiter

Rossiter: Drinking the Kool-Aid

For years, I and others have used the term “drinking the kool-aid.” Little did I know there is actually a more formal term that addresses this phenomena. The formal name is mass formation psychosis (MFP). Google it, and you will find numerous articles. Not only that, but I learned just how insidious this psychosis is […]

March 15, 2022 . By Steve Rossiter