Another Observer Comes Forward, Casting Doubt on Missoula’s Second Recount of Ballot Envelopes
In an affidavit signed by one observer of the second recount of affirmation envelopes (also known as ballot signature envelopes)…
Citizen-Powered News and Opinion
Bradley Seaman is the Elections Administrator for Missoula County and head of the Missoula County Elections Department. Seaman oversaw the tabulation of the 2020 General Election which resulted in the unlawful counting of 4,592 mail-in ballots.
In an affidavit signed by one observer of the second recount of affirmation envelopes (also known as ballot signature envelopes)…
During last years citizen-led count of affirmation envelopes, county elections officials provided the Missoula County Election Integrity Project with 31 boxes of envelopes from the 2020 Election. During last week’s count, the county produced 33 boxes of envelopes.
The Missoula election integrity group released a 52-page report Tuesday documenting “a pattern of irregularities” in Missoula County’s 2020 General Election and “troubling issues” found in a study of the county voter registration database.
Legislative staff attorney Jaret Cole stated, “It is my opinion that the president of the Senate has the authority to create a Senate special committee to review Montana’s election laws and processes.”
“I would like to see a select committee appointed specifically to investigate Missoula County and the election process there and evaluate all the evidence and then make a decision on that,” said Manzella.
Montana House Rep Theresa Manzella (SD-85) checked in from Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium on Election Integrity last night saying, “We’ve…
On July 9th, elections data analyst and former intelligence officer and Army captain Seth Keshel released his county-by-county independent analysis…
Despite protests from public comment and Councilwoman Vasecka, Missoula Councilors voted to approve mail-in ballot election amid unexplained 2020 election discrepancies.
“In Montana over 6% of a certain county’s mail-in ballots are missing evidence to prove if they were legitimate or not. They’re missing all of this evidence. And think of it, Montana.”
A Missoula ballot review team found 4,592 ballots from the 2020 General Election missing ballot signature envelopes and dozens of envelopes with duplicate signatures.