Another Observer Comes Forward, Casting Doubt on Missoula’s Second Recount of Ballot Envelopes
In an affidavit signed by one observer of the second recount of affirmation envelopes (also known as ballot signature envelopes)…
Citizen-Powered News and Opinion
In an affidavit signed by one observer of the second recount of affirmation envelopes (also known as ballot signature envelopes)…
Election officials in Montana have been coordinating with State agencies including the Office of Political Practices (OPP), local law enforcement,…
During last years citizen-led count of affirmation envelopes, county elections officials provided the Missoula County Election Integrity Project with 31 boxes of envelopes from the 2020 Election. During last week’s count, the county produced 33 boxes of envelopes.
The Missoula election integrity group released a 52-page report Tuesday documenting “a pattern of irregularities” in Missoula County’s 2020 General Election and “troubling issues” found in a study of the county voter registration database.
A Missoula ballot review team found 4,592 ballots from the 2020 General Election missing ballot signature envelopes and dozens of envelopes with duplicate signatures.