

Montana Republican Party, in 2022 you approached a crossroads. Signs were everywhere. One unmistakable sign was the 2016 sweeping win of “outsider” Donald J. Trump as President. 

Turn right and embrace the tide of the America First movement, left and fight the tide to preserve your power. You made the wrong turn.

Your base values God, Liberty, Self-responsibility, Self-determination, Self-governance, Limited government committed to securing those rights. Rights GOP leadership appears to oppose.

MTGOP actions, and efforts in this legislative session, expose your true allegiance. Your first move to thwart America First? A rule demanding county central committees hold conventions AFTER the state convention in violation of state law. Designed to secure your loyal establishment leadership for two more years. After the damage is done, you’ll probably rescind your unlawful rule, claiming ignorance. Your public communications will destroy this argument. Your tarnished integrity will remain.

Your second move? Empower the “Solutions Caucus” to neuter the “SUPER-MAJORITY”. This left-wing of “the party”, proved to be a SURRENDER CAUCUS. Sabotaging the efforts of your base and the integrity of the MTGOP.

Confirming our suspicions, SB503 was introduced. Designed to fully destroy the central committees statewide. History proves local central committees are a cornerstone of our “by the people, for the people,” REPUBLIC. It is revealing this destructive bill was sponsored by “leaders” of the SUPER-MAJORITY. Including the president of the Senate, who sits on a central committee!

What has changed since 2020 to make the MTGOP so hostile to their base?

MTGOP: Please list your efforts that fulfill your FIRST DUTY to “secure these rights”. This PURPOSE OF OUR GOVERNMENT is found in the second paragraph of our Declaration of Independence. The document that defined the effort men were willing to pledge their Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor to support. But then, those were men of integrity.

It comes as no surprise that your fundraisers draw hundreds, not thousands. When you fail to gain support for your next “critical” candidate, look in the mirror. Your base has not compromised, YOU have abandoned US.

Doug Bohn

Republican Central Committee Captain

Victor, MT