
Roger Mitchell - Poor Roger's Almanac
Roger Mitchell - Poor Roger's Almanac

This graphic illustrates one of the major problems of the society we live in, namely that we are required to buy permission from the State (read mafia gang writ large) to do many of the things which we should be naturally free to do. Hunting and fishing, operation of a business, hair cutting and fingernail painting, driving a car, flying a plane, building a house or shed, drilling a well on private property, owning guns, etc., et alia, ad infinitum. There are very few areas in modern society in which we can operate without paying a “bribe” or “extortion” for the privilege of living.

Roger Mitchell - Poor Roger's Almanac
Roger Mitchell - Poor Roger's Almanac

What is worse is that we have become inured and numb to the practice. Instead of being outraged because someone we don’t even know demands that we purchase a license (approval, permission), we simply ask “How much”–and pull out our wallet or credit card. We ought to be ashamed that we have come to this.