
Unfortunately, we had to learn and relearn some important lessons last year. And I fear that too many people have yet to learn them.

1) You never, ever, EVER give more power to the government. Even for one month to “flatten the curve.” Because government will not willingly yield it back. Once you give it an inch, it will take a mile, and it takes a national movement of patriots to wrest the power back out of their slimy, power hungry, corrupted hands.

2) WE are the government, and the constitution says so. We just somehow forgot. So step up, already, and be the government. Our officials work for us.

3) Government officials will lie to your face every day, and will abuse their power to intimidate you into submission.

4) The media is corrupt and complicit.

5) The churches are corrupt and complicit.

6) Our courts are corrupt and complicit.

7) Our legislatures are corrupt and complicit.

8. People who don’t know the difference between an “innie” and an “outie” are making our health decisions for us, and telling us how and what to teach our children.

9) Our elections are not real anymore. The people have been duped into compliance with the *illusion* of elections.

10) We have lost our way, forgetting that our liberty and our values come from God.

It is time for a spiritual revival. It is time for a constitutional revival.

Is this the country we are leaving to our children? It is shameful and irresponsible.

Wake up, people, or continue to languish under increasing tyranny and evil.