
Dear Flathead Beacon, 

I am writing in response to the disingenuous hit piece regarding Jason Parce, written by attorney Tammi Fisher. She knows that Parce is unable to “candidly and without restriction discuss the situation.” How does Fisher become aware of the facts and then talk about them, when in reality no one should know the facts other than the investigating administrators and the employee? 

Jason is one of the most highly decorated police officers to ever serve KPD. For a list of his awards and volunteer activities, see his website and his Facebook page. 

It appears Parce was forced to leave. Isn’t it unusual for an officer to leave with his fully trained police dog, especially if there is anything remotely criminal in his behavior? 

It is noteworthy the ironic timing of this “investigation” in relation to Parce announcing his candidacy.  

When the dust settles and the truth is exposed, I have no doubt that it will be in Jason’s favor. I just hope people will support him, instead of trying him in the completely biased media with “guilty until proven innocent.” Flathead County needs positive change, not business as usual.