
Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my support for Dr. Annie Bukacek for PSC 5. Jennifer Fielder, who currently serves on the PSC, has also endorsed Dr. Bukacek. Whether she is advocating for her patients, our Flathead community or all of the people of Montana, there is not a more consistent, hard-working or more determined person who will be doing all she can to “keep the lights on” for us.  Dr. Bukacek understands the challenges we are facing regarding electricity, water, infrastructure and other issues that will need to be addressed by the Public Service Commission.  She is not being reactive on these issues; she is already planning how to solve these problems with practical solutions, as demostrated on her website https://bukacek4psc.com. As an independent physician, Dr. Bukacek has already proven she can get things done without being beholden to corporations.  Everything she does, she does with her whole heart and soul and the people of Montana will receive nothing less from her as their Public Service Commissioner in District 5. 

Julie Martin