

This was posted yesterday in a social media group I’m in.

“Paul Stramer (who reposts AVR’s reports) was informed by local ham radio operator of illegal aliens dropped off in Kalispell, Montana

Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Thursday, 15-Feb-2024 12:21:12
Rest assured, the globalists are replicating this scenario in many other cities and towns across America.
I was just informed by a local ham radio operator of illegal aliens dropped off in Kalispell Montana
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
We have information that two busloads of illegal aliens were dropped off in Kalispell today.
That would probably be between 50 and 100 people depending on what kind of busses (sic) were used.
It’s getting colder and these people will be desperate to get in doors so be aware and be careful.

If anyone sees or hears anything more please leave a comment on this post.

Paul Stramer – pstramer AT http://gmail.com”

Then someone else in another group on FB (Ravali County Constitution group) posted about white unmarked busses being seen in Florence.

Roger Mitchell - Poor Roger's Almanac
Roger Mitchell - Poor Roger's Almanac

Interesting that the publication which posted this is called The Rumor Mill.

Roger Mitchell - Poor Roger's Almanac
Roger Mitchell - Poor Roger's Almanac

I saw a report that said two buses had unloaded about 50 people (from one bus) in Hamilton recently. I have not seen nor heard anything about it since. I am inclined to disbelieve it. Question: if all these people (supposedly) disembarked from one bus, what was the other bus carrying?