
I want to make something very clear.

I am humbled by what has transpired with the video I made. It’s gone everywhere including an article and some radio shows in Wisconsin even.

I made the video for no other reason than to motivate other people so that they would want to stay informed and stay in the fight. I didn’t make it for me. I don’t care about “me.”

I don’t care about spotlight. As a matter of fact I have purposefully stayed out of it and done work behind the scenes for the better part of the time since the election. I am not ashamed or embarrassed by it. And I stand by it. I don’t want kudos or thanks or atta boys. I want to win.

I didn’t make a video in order to gain any kind of recognition. I don’t want the recognition.

I did it so that disrespectful and out of touch politicians would receive the due pressure and heat they are now receiving.

They know the truth. They know the deal. And they know what we want. And they are so smug that they refuse to acknowledge that they are wrong on how they are handling the situation.

And it should always be called out. And it will be called out.

Thanks for being such amazing God and country loving Patriots like you all are. Never give up. As long as you have breath in your lungs, never give up.

Our kids depend on it.

Hope you all have a great day. God bless.