
Several schools in the valley, including Corvallis and Hamilton, are asking for more funding on the upcoming ballot. Some of them are asking for a lot, which will drive up the amount we have to pay to support them. I am writing to encourage people to vote no on these requests.

I am suggesting there is another way to improve our public schools instead of the typical way of spending more money – and raising our taxes.

School choice is growing well in our valley and our state and is finding more support across our country. It has been proven that school choice benefits our children’s education; see the great improvements in Indiana and Florida after meaningful school choice implementation since 2002, among many other examples. Florida went from #33 in the nation in educating low-income students to #1, Indiana went from #22 to #3 in the same time period. These improvements include public school performance.

School choice provides an environment of competition that helps public schools to improve as well – without adding levies and bonds to our burden – this has been proven in states that have encouraged school choice.

What is school choice? Encouraging other options of schooling – homeschooling, private schools, charter schools. These options do not add to our tax burden like public school initiatives do.

Vote no to adding levies and bonds to our burden, and instead help improve our kids’ educational options by supporting school choice (and improve our public schools in the process). Healthy competition is good for all of us – the current near-monopoly the public schools have is not.

How to support or be a part of school choice? Get in touch with me at dohomeschool@outlook.com and I’ll be happy to send you more information.