

Since the recent primary in which the “lesser of two evils” has been decided (according to your definition of evil), the urgency of electing “our” candidate has completely disappeared from the news, including this venue. It will maintain that status for a month or two, then ramp up again into a shrill cacophony of noise just before the election in November.

Can we be done with this?

In the meantime, the world is gearing up for war, what may be the final war fought by our modern, enlightened societies, all of which have determined that violence, force, death, and destruction are the only ways to achieve “our” goals.

It is quite possible that active war will break out between the West and Russia in a few months, with the determination that the November election must be cancelled and postponed until a more opportune time, that is, when things have settled down and We, the People have become accustomed to the new restrictions placed on us by our illustrious leaders, who are all determined to force us into a state of virtual slavery.

Clear your mind of the fog. It’s the only way to see things clearly.