
Barely four months until the election. Trump on a roll. Democratic Party in chaos. What to do about Joe Biden?

I have made a prediction that Biden will NOT quit nor be replaced, but will stay in the race and beaten by Trump in November and officially retire on January 20, 2025. Is this valid or insane?


Roy McKenzie
Roy McKenzie

I don’t think he will resign from his position as President either, but I am thinking the Democrats will replace him on the ticket for the 2024 campaign. I think he will acquiesce to the decision. I saw what the Democrat Party leaders did with Super Delegates in the 2016 primary and what they did to squash dissent in the primary in 2020. I think they know they cannot deceive Americans about Joe Biden for another 4 years. This is the party that has perfected the crisis / solution pipeline. The current crisis they are in right now is an opportunity for creative destruction. Thank you for sharing this article!

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Roger Mitchell - Poor Roger's Almanac
Roger Mitchell - Poor Roger's Almanac

I agree that they cannot deceive America with Joe Biden any longer, but the main point of my assertion is that they (The Powers That Be who are really in control) no longer care. They do not care!

We know. They know that we know. We know that they know that we know and none of it makes any difference. Not a nickel’s worth. They are going to do as they please and we are going to suffer for it.

Ain’t democracy grand?