

From the hearing on Sept. 18 before the House Armed Services Committee, emphasis mine.

“2. …We can’t keep pitting defense spending against non-defense spending as if the Departments of State, DHS, Treasury, and even Education and Labor don’t contribute to our national defense. The Commission recommends that spending be increased across all elements of national security. We unanimously recommend returning to the levels of spending on national defense, proportionally, as we did in the Cold War. We also call for paying for it through higher tax rates and reforms to entitlements…”

OK, let’s break this down. Since the spending on State, DHS, Treasury, Education, and Labor, among others, is also a part of “national defense”, AND because government spending on these sectors is lagging behind military spending, we recommend that Congress increase spending on them. Presumably, this increased spending would happen across the board, since no government program should fall behind and endanger the System.

Who will pay for it? You will. I will. We will. Through the mechanisms of higher taxes AND changes made to entitlements (think Social Security & Medicare), the necessary funds can be raised. In other words, we will pay more to the IRS on the front end and cuts will be made to the Social Security and Medicare programs.

Take more. Give less. Use the money realized to create a War Machine which could, if not sufficiently checked, destroy the entire world.

When will it stop? When will you raise your voice to stop it? If we do not end the wars, the wars will end us.