
Alberton Principal Threatens To Call Police on Students Who Protest Masks Friday

Alberton Principal Threatens To Call Police on Students Who Protest Masks Friday

Alberton Superintendent and “Google Certified Teacher” Jeff Crews (left), Alberton Principal Mica Clarkson (right), Montana students (center)

A national movement of parents, students, teachers, and staff called Mom’s For Liberty has set tomorrow, September 10th, as a nationwide school walkout event protesting mask mandates. The walkout is set to start at 10 AM.

Parents of Alberton School students shared stories with Missoula County Tyranny yesterday about their children being threatened by school administration on Wednesday. According to parents, Superintendent Jeff Crews and Principal Mica Clarkson told students that if they chose to walk out of class they would suffer “major infractions” on their academic record and school administration would call police.

Last week, the Montana Department of Public Health released an emergency health rule stating that there was no evidence that masks are effective at reducing infections of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that can cause COVID-19. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen and Governor Greg Gianforte also released a joint statement in August advocating for parental choice regarding masking of children. A lawsuit has been filed with several Missoula school districts and Missoula County requesting a restraining order and injunction against school mask mandates.

One Alberton School parent, Nicole Henry, said that she would be attending the protest set for 10 AM just outside Alberton School on Friday in solidarity with student walkouts, “I’m sending a note with my child giving him permission to join me outside at 10am on the 10th for the protest to avoid infractions. I will keep my first grader home with his dad and inform the school why.”

Henry, who is active in the movement to free students from the unscientific mask mandates, said that several Alberton staff and teachers have come to parents asking for advice on how to combat administration mandates on masks. Henry has shared State Superintendent contact information with the staff and teachers, but mentioned that teachers and staff said that they were too afraid to reach out to Arntzen because they were afraid they would lose their jobs.

Principal Clarkson stated that the school handbook gave her authority to call the police on students who walk out of class, but one parent clarified that authority applies only if students leave campus.

The Alberton School Board, Superintendent Jeff Crews and Principal Mica Clarkson did not immediately respond to emails requesting clarification regarding what “major infractions” would be levied against students who choose to walkout and where in the school handbook it mentions that calling police when students exit classrooms is justified. We will update this story if we hear back.

Parents will be gathering for a protest outside Alberton School at 306 Railroad Avenue tomorrow at 10 AM.

UPDATE (09/13/2021 @ 8:20 PM): Superintendent Jeff Crews responded to Missoula County Tyranny confirming that administration notified students that if they participated in the walk out, they could receive an infraction on their record. Crews did not confirm or deny that administration mentioned police action for students who participate. We emailed Crews again asking for clarification. We will update readers if Crews responds.

UPDATE (09/13/2021 @ 12:10 PM): Images from last Friday’s peaceful #WalkOutUSA mask mandate protest outside Alberton School. Parents shared there were 15-20 adults who showed up and two students who walked out of class. The mother of one student who attended, Nicole Henry, shared that her child said, “the kids that were excited to join, but were too scared.” Henry told her child, “It’s ok don’t be disappointed in them it’s not their fault they are scared.”

Roger Mitchell
Roger Mitchell

Saturday, September 18, is the kickoff to an extended campaign by Face of Freedom ( to hold organized protests in Missoula against the forced masking of school kids. We are going to meet every Saturday, beginning at 10:00 a.m. at Broadway and Ryman (in front of the courthouse) with other concerned citizens. Whether you have kids in school or not does not matter. We will be holding these demonstrations until further notice or until Missoula County School Board surrenders.

These will be similar in nature to the Unmask Missoula Now! campaigns at Reserve and Mullan last spring. An upbeat, confident, and defiant attitude is important and welcome. Partisan politics is discouraged.

Bring your signs. Your family, friends, neighbors. Your prayers.

See our flyer at While you are there, send me a note through the Contact page to get on our mailing list. You can also email me at for more information.

Aaron Rhodes
Aaron Rhodes

Here are the emails for Jeff Crews and Mica Clarkson to let them know what you think about their threats. All contacts below are posted on the Alberton School District site.

Dr. Jeff Crews, Superintendent,
Ms. Mica Clarkson, Principal,

You can send the same comments to the below school board contacts:

Andy Knapp, Board Chair,
Amy Lommen, Vice Chair,
Gary Gagliardi, Trustee,
Brad Davis, Trustee,
Corrina Stanley, Trustee,

You can also send your comments to the below email and ask that the message be forwarded to the school board members and be read at the next board meeting.

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Mike Starmer
Mike Starmer

What is happening in our country is a politically driven surgical excision of our Freedom and Liberty. Alberton is simply the latest example. Today Government’s role at any level is to replace the laws of a Constitutional Republic with a different, darker, and more oppressive form of government that destroys the will of its people. Once a nation of opinion and choice, they now uses their authority to dictate and to dominate its citizens. They mistakenly believe they have the POWER to direct our lives and force us to bend to their Our country was founded on the desire to throw off the tyrannical control of the British Empire and their attempted subjugation of the American colonies. That precedent is established in our historical DNA. And history does have the tendency to repeat itself, especially when a free people are threatened.

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Uneducated Parent
Uneducated Parent

Nice of you to post where you work Libby! So glad to see that some others are uneducated like us parents just standing up for our rights! No school should ever threaten or take away Parental rights. How is it that parents can not vaccinate their kids and still go to school but now that we have Covid now you are forcing mandates on them? This is not the Holocaust… Just sayin’

Libby Tard @ Paradise Dental Technologies
Libby Tard @ Paradise Dental Technologies

At the very least it will be easy to identify the ignorant folks and the ones willing to place their own children and the children of their neighbors at risk by seeing who attends the protest and participates in the walkout. I’m willing to bet all of the people involved in this show care most that they can shove their children off onto the local school because they aren’t intelligent enough to homeschool or have no desire to spend that much time with their own children (free babysitter) – they basically want the right to risk the well-being of others because the alternative of actually having to parent is just super inconvenient for them. And it’s funny how these same people deny science at home while angrily insisting they be allowed to have their kids educated in the value of actual science by sending them to school. But sure, let’s celebrate student independence and freedom by letting them violate the rules with zero accountability. That’s how it works among today’s patriots in name only.