
From Dr. Annie Bukacek

To My special list of Montanans wanting reliable sources of affordable power:
Prior to starting my job as Public Service Commissioner, I put together a series of power point presentations.  I wanted to consolidate complex information concerning power in short presentations. Each presentation is roughly 20 minutes long. This is my own work, is not to be considered representative of PSC positions or policies, and I have a disclaimer on my website to that effect.
January 2, 2023, I gave presentations on avoiding Energy Crisis in Montana and Comparing Cost Effectiveness of various Sources of Power you can link to here:
(Avoiding Energy Crisis in Montana – Youtube Link)    (Affordable Energy Equals Cost Effective Energy – Youtube Link)
On election day, November 8, 2022, I presented what I consider irrefutable arguments that solar and wind power are not as clean, green, renewable or sustainable, contrary to what we are being told. This presentation is at the bottom of the home page of my website Annie Bukacek 4 PSC | Montana 
My website also has newsfeeds regularly updated as I daily read portions of four Montana newspapers and the Houston Chronicle. The newsfeeds are put into categories such as Climate Change, Oil/Gas, Solar/Wind/EVs, etc. I also have an Alex Epstein Corner from the author of “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels” and the series “Practical Engineering” that covers practical topics related to the power grid.
I hope you find the information useful.
Dr. Annie Bukacek, activist for reliable sources of affordable power.