
Montana Media Malice

The mainstream media continues to debase itself over child mutilation and Democrats priorities, this time publishing a smear of the House representative that carried the Senate ban on child mutilation in Montana, SB99.

In a speech, Rep. Kerri Seekins-Crowe said she would not be held hostage by threats from her children to commit suicide if she did not allow them mutilate their bodies in a sex change operation. Seekins-Crowe was speaking from personal experience with her own daughter.

“I was not going to give in to her emotional manipulation because she was incapable of making those decisions and I had to make those decisions for her,” Seekins-Crowe said.

The Montana media, through a national correspondent in Washington (too embarrassed to write it themselves but happy to publish it), suggested that Seekins-Crowe is a heartless monster who would rather her daughter commit suicide.

They have inverted reality suggesting telling your children no mutilations when they threaten suicide is a bad thing.

Seeking-Crowe did the right thing and her daughter is unmarred by the gender cult butchery. At least physically.

The activist biased media and the Democrats are truly the enemy of the people.
