
Missoula City Leaders Continue to Racialize City Government in New Job Posting

An astute and inquisitive reader found a job posting for a “Human Resources Professional” for the City of Missoula whose job duties will include, “assisting in formalizing procedures and offering training for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI).”

The city’s JEDI goals seek to racialize every aspect of city government, making race a litmus test for access to services the city provides by measuring disparity between racial groups and providing special dispensations to racialized groups the city considers “underserved.”

The JEDI commitments come as a result of City and County leaders “systemic racism” joint resolution adopted last year. The “JEDI” resolution was littered with references to the National League of Cities, an advocacy group funded in-part by the George Soros Open Society Foundation.

In the posting, the city touts their “commitment to diversity” saying, “We are committed to enhancing the opportunity and quality of life for everyone we serve and share a commitment across departments to equity and social justice as an ongoing practice to measure effectiveness.”

City employees who come under the direction of this position can expect to learn about “microaggressions” and viewing interactions between citizens and government through a racialized lens. Missoula citizens can expect increased racialized prioritization such as what was seen under the County’s vaccine Phase 1b distribution plan which arbitrarily prioritized “people of color” over people with asthma, who are more at-risk for a respiratory virus.