
Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, along with 19 of his GOP colleagues, sent a letter to Chinese e-commerce company Temu on Thursday seeking information on the company’s business practices and potential ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

“Congressional investigators believe that your company, Temu (which is owned by PDD Holdings), is illegally selling products made by forced labor in an area of China in which the CCP is committing genocide. And PDD Holdings is credibly accused by members of Congress as being linked to the CCP,” the letter states.


Roger Mitchell - Poor Roger's Almanac
Roger Mitchell - Poor Roger's Almanac

“…illegally selling products made by forced labor in an area of China in which the CCP is committing genocide.”

In this phrase are four (count them) terms which are being used as propaganda. The desired result is that you will learn to hate the Chinese and view them as your enemy. Be aware. Be warned. This is mind games.

1. “illegally selling” — wrong and evil action, as determined by us (US)
2. “forced labor” — slavery, as determined by us (US)
3. “CCP” — associating the Chinese government with evil action and slavery
4. “committing genocide” — Laughable and hypocritical since the US is supporting the State of Israel in its murderous efforts to “genocide” the Palestinians.

Propaganda. Pure propaganda. And most Americans will swallow it wholesale, believing what they are told. We ought to be ashamed.