
Missoula City Council approved a new city budget for 2025 on Monday including a 16% increase in property taxes on Missoula residents.



I bet all who voted on this 16% increase won’t have their property taxes raised. It’s time to investigate this bloated pig!-

Humm they started with 3% rise but came up to a higher number of 16% oh that’s right silly me I forget they gave us $625.00 rebate what a farce.

When are homeowners going to get it?

I live in the County and we don’t get to vote on many ticket issue’s even this joke of a Mayor.

This isn’t the County I grew up in. It’s turned into a “MONEY PIT” as well a cesspool.

Does change happen over time? Yes it does but not for the worse.
We don’t even know any longer if these so called levys actually passed. Many I have spoken to voted against them due to it would increase our property taxes.

If you think you will escape it if you rent you are now seeing the outcome of voting for ridiculous thing’s.

How’s that sky high rent working out for you?

People are paying more in rent than I did when I still had a mortgage payment.

They are intentionally over pricing the value on our home’s to increase our taxes.

This isn’t rocket science it’s taxation without representation as well outright theft !!!